30+ years of neuroscience research
More than 300 research studies have been conducted using Scientific Learning software. These studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the Fast ForWord software, which incorporates brain fitness exercises to improve reading skills, including the Reading Assistant Plus software that targets fluency. They show the impact of the product on diverse populations and in a variety of settings. Across all the studies, data from more than 100,000 students at 1,000 schools have been analyzed.

Featured Research
Fast ForWord is the only reading intervention backed by 30+ years of neuroscience research that has been and continues to be published in peer-reviewed journals.
- Iowa and Nevada Departments of Education (2017). Departments of Education Name Fast ForWord Top Intervention.
- Rogowsky, B. (2010). The Impact of Fast ForWord® on Sixth Grade Students’ Use of Standard Edited American English. Doctor of Education dissertation, Wilkes University.
- Russo, N.M., Hornickel, H., Nicol, T., Zecker, S., Kraus, N. (2010) Biological changes in auditory function following training in children with autism spectrum disorders. Behavioral and Brain Functions 6(60), 1-8.
- Stevens, C., Fanning, J., Coch, D., Sanders, L., & H Neville (2008). Neural mechanisms of selective auditory attention are enhanced by computerized training: Electrophysiological evidence from language-impaired and typically developing children. Brain Research, 1205, 55-69.
- Temple, E., Deutsch, G. K., Poldrack, R. A., Miller, S.L., Tallal, P., Merzenich, M. M., & Gabrieli, J. D. E. (2003). Neural deficits in children with dyslexia ameliorated by behavioral remediation: Evidence from functional MRI. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100(5), 2860-2865.
- Ylinen, S. & Kujala, T. (2015). Neuroscience illuminating the influence of auditory or phonological intervention on language-related deficits. Frontiers in Psychology, 6.

Foundational Research
The Scientific Learning suite of programs implements neuroscience-based learning principles derived from decades of scientific research.
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- Beitel, R.E., Schreiner, C. E., Cheung, S. W., Wang, X., & Merzenich, M. M. (2003). Reward-dependent plasticity in the primary auditory cortex of adult monkeys trained to discriminate temporally modulated signals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A, 100(19), 11070-5.
- Benasich, A. A., & Tallal, P. (1996). Auditory temporal processing thresholds, habituation, and recognition memory over the 1st year. Infant Behavior & Development, 19(3), 339-357.
- Benasich, A. A., & Tallal, P. (2002). Infant discrimination of rapid auditory cues predicts later language impairment. Behavior and Brain Research, 136(1), 31-49.
- Benasich, A. A., Curtiss, S., & Tallal, P. (1993). Language, learning, and behavioral disturbances in childhood: A longitudinal perspective. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 32(3), 585-594.
- Bishop, D. V. M., Bishop, S. J., Bright, P., James, C., Delaney, T., & Tallal, P. (1999). Different origin of auditory and phonological processing problems in children with language impairment: Evidence from a twin study. Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research, 42(1), 155-168.
- Blake, D. T., & Merzenich, M. M. (2002). Changes of AI receptive fields with sound density.Journal of Neurophysiology, 88(6), 3409-20.
- Blake, D. T., Strata, F., Churchland, A. K., & Merzenich, M. M. (2002). Neural correlates of instrumental learning in primary auditory cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A, 99(15), 10114-9.
- Boets, B., Vandermosten, M., Poelmans, H., Luts, H., Wouters, J., & Ghesquiere, P. (2011). Preschool impairments in auditory processing and speech perception uniquely predict future reading problems. Research in Developmental Disabilities 32: 560-570.
- Burns, M. (2003). Fast ForWord Products Open a Child’s Window to Language. Autism Asperger’s Digest. April-March, 2003. (Condensed version available here.)
- Burns, M. S. (1999). Access to reading: The language to literacy link. Paper presented at the Learning Disabilities Association Conference.
- Burns, M. S. Incorporating Fast ForWord Reading into a speech and language practice (pp. 1-3). Scientific Learning Corporation.
- Chang, E. F., & Merzenich, M. M. (2003). Environmental noise retards auditory cortical development. Science, 300(5618), 498-502.
- De Martino, S., Espesser, R., Rey, V., & Habib, M. (2001). The “temporal processing deficit” hypothesis in dyslexia: New experimental evidence. Brain & Cognition, 46(1-2), 104-108.
- Denenberg, V. H. (1999). A critique of Mody, Studdert-Kennedy, and Brady’s “Speech perception deficits in poor readers: Auditory processing or phonological coding?”. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32(5), 379-383.
- Eimas, P. D., Miller, J. L., & Jusczyk, P. W. (1987). On infant speech perception and the acquisition of language. In S. Harnad (Ed.), Categorical perception: The groundwork of cognition. (pp. 161-195). New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Elliott, L. L., & Hammer, M. A. (1988). Longitudinal changes in auditory discrimination in normal children and children with language-learning problems. Journal of Speech & Hearing Disorders, 53(4), 467-474.
- Farmer, M. E., & Klein, R. (1993). Auditory and visual temporal processing in dyslexic and normal readers. In P. Tallal, A. M. Galaburda, R. R. Llinás, & C. von Euler.(Eds.), Temporal information processing in the nervous system: Special reference to dyslexia and dysphasia(pp. 339-341). New York: The New York Academy of Sciences.
- Fellbaum, C., Miller, S., Curtiss, S., & Tallal, P. (1995). An auditory processing deficit as a possible source of SLI. In D. McLaughlin & S. McEwen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th annual Boston University conference on language development (pp. 204-215). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
- Fiez, J. A., Raichle, M. E., Balota, D. A., Tallal, P., & Petersen, S. E. (1996). PET activation of posterior temporal regions during auditory word presentation and verb generation. Cerebral Cortex, 6(1), 1-10.
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- Flax, J.F., Realpe-Bonilla, T., Hirsch, L., Brzustowicz, L.M., Bartlett, C.W., & Tallal, P. (2003). Specific language impairment in families: Evidence for co-occurrence with reading impairments. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 46, 530-543.
- Frumkin, B., & Rapin, I. (1980). Perception of vowels and consonant-vowels of varying duration in language impaired children. Neuropsychologia, 18(4-sup-5), 443-454.
- Garabedian, C. E., Jones, S. R., Merzenich, M. M., Dale, A., & Moore, C. I. (2003). Band-pass response properties of rat SI neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, 90(3), 1379-91.
- Gillam, R. B. (1999). Treatment for temporal processing deficits: Computer-assisted language intervention using Fast ForWord(R): Theoretical and empirical considerations for clinical decision-making. Language, Speech, & Hearing Services in Schools. 30(4), 363-370.
- Habib, M. (2000). The neurological basis of developmental dyslexia: An overview and working hypothesis. Brain, 123(12), 2373-2399.
- Habib, M., Espesser, R., Rey, V., Giraud, K., Bruas, P., & Gres, C. (1999). Training dyslexics with acoustically modified speech: Evidence of improved phonological performance. Brain & Cognition, 40(1), 143-146.
- Habib, M., Rey, V., Daffaure, V., Camps, R., Espesser, R., Joly-Pottuz, B., & Demonet, J.-F. (2002). Phonological training in children with dyslexia using temporally modified speech: A three-step pilot investigation. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 37(3), 289-308.
- Hari, R., & Kiesila, P. (1996). Deficit of temporal auditory processing in dyslexic adults.Neuroscience Letters, 205(2), 138-40.
- Hickmott, P. W. & Merzenich, M. M. (2002). Local circuit properties underlying cortical reorganization. Journal of Neurophysiology, 88(3), 1288-301.
- Houde, J. F., Nagarajan, S. S., Sekihara, K., & Merzenich, M. M. (2002). Modulation of the auditory cortex during speech: An MEG study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14(8), 1125-38.
- Jenkins, W. M., Merzenich, M. M., & Recanzone, G. (1990). Neocortical representational dynamics in adult primates: Implications for neuropsychology. Neuropsychologia, 28(6), 573-84.
- Kilgard, M. P. & Merzenich, M. M. (2002). Order-sensitive plasticity in adult primary auditory cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A, 99(5), 3205-9.
- Kilgard, M. P., & Merzenich, M. M. (1998). Cortical map reorganization enabled by nucleus basalis activity [see comments]. Science, 279(5357), 1714-8.
- Kraus, N., McGee, T., Carrell, T. D., King, C., & et al. (1995). Central auditory system plasticity associated with speech discrimination training. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 7(1), 25-32.
- Lakshminarayanan, K. & Tallal, P (2007). Generalization of non-linguistic auditory perceptual training to syllable discrimination. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 25, 263-272.
- Leonard, L. (1997). Children with specific language impairments. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Lincoln, A. J., Dickstein, P., Courchesne, E., Elmasian, R., & Tallal, P. (1992). Auditory processing abilities in non-retarded adolescents and young adults with developmental receptive language disorder and autism. Brain & Language, 43(4), 613-622.
- Linden, J. F., Liu, R.C., Sahani, M., Schreiner, C. E., & Merzenich, M. M. (2003). Spectrotemporal structure of receptive fields in areas AI and AAF of mouse auditory cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 90(4), 2660-75.
- Liu, R.C., Miller, K. D., Merzenich, M. M., & Schreiner, C. E. (2003). Acoustic variability and distinguishability among mouse ultrasound vocalizations. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, 114(6 Pt 1), 3412-22.
- McCandliss, B.D., Fiez, J.A., Protopapas, A, Conway, M, & McClelland, J.L. (2002). Success and failure in teaching the [r]-[l] contrast to Japanese adults: Tests of a Hebbian model of plasticity and stabilization in spoken language perception. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 2(2), 89-108.
- McClelland, J. L., Thomas, A.G., McCandliss, B. D., & Fiez, J. A. (1999). Understanding failures of learning: Hebbian learning, competition for representational space, and some preliminary experimental data. In J. A. Reggia & D. Glanzman (Eds.), Progress in brain research, volume 121, disorders of brain, behavior and cognition: The neurocomputational perspective (pp. 75-80). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- McKenzie, A. L., Nagarajan, S. S., Roberts, T. P., Merzenich, M. M., & Byl, N. N. (2003). Somatosensory representation of the digits and clinical performance in patients with focal hand dystonia. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 82(10), 737-49.
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- Merzenich, M. M., Recanzone, G.M., Jenkins, W. M., & Grajski, K. A . (1990). Adaptive mechanisms in cortical networks underlying cortical contributions to learning and nondeclarative memory. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology 55, 873-887.
- Merzenich, M. M., Schreiner, C., Jenkins, W., & Wang, X. (1993). Neural mechanisms underlying temporal integration, segmentation, and input sequence representation: Some implications for the origin of learning disabilities. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 682, 1-22.
- Merzenich, M. M., Tallal, P., Peterson, B., Miller, S. L., & Jenkins, W. M. (1998). Some neurological principles relevant to the origins of – and the cortical plasticity based remediation of – language learning impairments. In J. Grafman & Y. Christen (Eds.), Neuroplasticity: Building a bridge from the laboratory to the clinic (pp. 169-187). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Merzenich, M., Spengler, F., Byl, N., Wang, X., & Jenkins, W. (1996). Representational plasticity underlying learning: Contributions to the origins and expressions of neurobehavioral disabilities. In T. Ono, B.L. McNaughton, S. Molotchnikoff, E.T. Rolls, & H. Nishijo (Eds.), Perception, memory and emotion: Frontiers in neuroscience. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
- Merzenich, M.M., Wright, B., Jenkins, W., Xerri, C., Byl, N., Miller, S., & Tallal, P. (1996). Cortical plasticity underlying perceptual, motor and cognitive skill development; Implications for neurorehabilitation. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, 61,1-8.
- Miller, S. L., & Tallal, P. (1995). A behavioral neuroscience approach to developmental language disorders: Evidence for a rapid temporal processing deficit. In D. Cicchetti & D. J. Cohen (Eds.), Developmental psychopathology: Risk, disorder, and adaptation (Vol. 2, pp. 274-298). NY: Wiley.
- Miller, S. L., Delaney, T. V., & Tallal, P. (1995). Speech and other central auditory processes: Insights from cognitive neuroscience. Curr Opin Neurobiol, 5(2), 198-204.
- Mody, M., Studdert-Kennedy, M., & Brady, S. (1997). Speech perception deficits in poor readers: Auditory processing or phonological coding? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 64(2), 199-231.
- Nagarajan, S. S., Cheung, S. W., Bedenbaugh, P., Beitel, R. E., Schreiner, C. E., & Merzenich, M. M. (2002). Representation of spectral and temporal envelope of twitter vocalizations in common marmoset primary auditory cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 87(4), 1723-37.
- Nagarajan, S. S., Wang, X., Merzenich, M. M., Schreiner, C. E., Johnston, P., Jenkins, W., Miller, S., & Tallal, P. (1998). Speech modifications algorithms used for training language-learning impaired children. IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering, 6(3), 257-268.
- Nagarajan, S., Mahncke, H., Salz, T., Tallal, P., Roberts, T., & Merzenich, M. M. (1999). Cortical auditory signal processing in poor readers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 96, 6483-6488.
- Neville, H. J., Coffey, S. A., Holcomb, P. J., & Tallal, P. (1993). The neurobiology of sensory and language processing in language-impaired children. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 5(2), 235-253.
- Poldrack, R. A., Temple, E., Protopapas, A., Nagarajan, S., Tallal, P., Merzenich, M., & Gabrieli, J. D. (2001). Relations between the neural bases of dynamic auditory processing and phonological processing: Evidence from fMRI. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13(5), 687-97.
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- Recanzone, G. H., Jenkins, W. M., Hradek, G. T., & Merzenich, M. M. (1992). Progressive improvement in discriminative abilities in adult owl monkeys performing a tactile frequency discrimination task. Journal of Neurophysiology, 67(5), 1015-30.
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- Rogowsky, Beth A. (2007). Does Fast ForWord Provide Implicit Grammar Instruction? MAPS for Learning: Research Reports, 11(1): 1-7.
- Rubenstein, J. L., & Merzenich, M. M. (2003). Model of autism: Increased ratio of excitation/inhibition in key neural systems. Genes Brain Behavior, 2(5), 255-67.
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